Insurance rate increases?! I didn’t have any claims!

Why did my insurance rate increase?! We get asked this question daily. Very simply: Every insurance company had major rate increases.

Never leave in your vehicle – 20 Things

We are probably all guilty of leaving our “stuff” in our vehicles. Some of us, maybe, for just an hour or so. Some of us … well … we look at our vehicles as storage centers.

Home Inspection Before Buying a Home

Buying a home is an exciting – and stressful! – time. With all of the flurry surrounding a purchase, it’s easy to miss steps that can cost you in the long run.

The Six Steps to Take After a Car Accident

First thing! Check yourself for injuries after a car accident. You may be in a bit of shock, but it’s important that you call 911 if you have sustained any injuries and try not to move if seriously injured.

Safety Measures Can Help Protect Your Home

Yes, you have homeowners insurance to protect yourself in the event of an unfortunate event, but! There are some simple safety measures to keep yourself safe before a catastrophe comes knocking.

Pool Safety: A Sweet Summery Recap

The heat is here. How will you cool down? If you are a pool owner – like some of us here at E.C. Cooper – pool safety rules are nothing new to you. But! There’s no harm in sharing the safety tips again. Here you go!

Car Damage By Mice – Covered by Insurance?

Car damage by mice can be devastating. One mouse can quickly – within days — cause thousands of dollars in damage to your vehicle, both aesthetically and operationally.

Wild Auto Insurance Laws Still on the Books

Just For Fun!

We are all about supporting and protecting you at E.C. Cooper and providing you with Auto Insurance …

12 Ways to Avoid Ticks This Summer

There is still a lot of summer left! There are more woods and gullies, to explore, amiright? So! We know you have heard all these tips before, but a reminder can’t hurt. Maybe you will learn something new. We did.

Should I Have a Dash Cam?

Oh man. More technology to consider?? Yeah, but a dash cam (dashboard camera) could save you a lot of heartache … and money.

Purchasing a recreational vehicle?

From tiny trailers to over-the-top luxury motorhomes, a recreational vehicle, often abbreviated as RV, is a motor vehicle or trailer. They typically include living quarters designed for accommodation. Some types of RVs include motorhomes, campervans, caravans, fifth-wheel trailers, popup campers, and truck campers.

Does your business need Cyber Liability Insurance?

Heck yeah! Cybercrime is now a crime we are seeing with regularity, and a data breach can completely shut down a business. It can damage a business’ reputation, expose it to liability, and interrupt business operations.

How to Get Better Gas Mileage

… and Save Money! Wait. Let’s start with this:
What is gas mileage?
Gas mileage — also known as miles per gallon or MPG — is the number of miles that a vehicle can travel using ONE gallon of gas or fuel …

Auto Insurance Add-ons You Might Need

Sure, there is insurance you NEED to have to be on the road. We all know that. But! There could be auto insurance add-ons that you are overlooking …

Should I File That Claim?

We have an ultra-helpful answer for you: Maybe!

But why “maybe?” You pay your premiums, right? Why shouldn’t you turn in every claim?

Well, the reason you don’t turn in every claim is because you don’t want your insurance company to look at you as someone who is careless or neglectful …

What Keeps Us Positive?

2020 has been an odd year, to say the least. We are all working, in our masks, staying distanced and keeping safe. Julie, Susan, Nancy, Kelsey, Ashley and Karen come to work every day and serve the needs of our clients. Boy, are we proud of them.
What keeps us going? …

Why Your Insurance Company is Deemed an Essential Business

We all know why grocery stores and gas stations are considered essential businesses in this time of crisis. It makes complete sense! But why are insurance companies being kept open? …

Happy Valentine’s Day!

14 Things We Love on Valentine’s Day – an insurance agent’s perspective …

Prevent frozen pipes!

What is the number one home-related, extreme-cold weather winter claim? Water damage from burst pipes. They are terrible, messy, heart-breaking claims and we want to help protect you against having one.

Protect yourselves from lawsuits on Halloween

Are we monsters if we talk about how to protect yourselves from lawsuits on Halloween? Maybe! But we get some pretty strange calls on November 1, so we might as well tell you about ways that we have conjured up so you can, indeed, protect yourselves.

Is Rental Car Insurance Necessary?

It’s an awkward moment when you’re standing at the rental car counter, staring into the clerk’s eyes, sweating, wondering if you should buy the extra insurance he is offering. WHAT DO YOU DO?

Sending a Child Off to College: What You Need to Know

Is your child at college, living in a dorm, covered by your homeowners policy? Most homeowners policies provide 10% of content limits of your homeowners policy. For example, if your homeowners policy has $200K of coverage, you have $140K of contents coverage

Hosting a Graduation Party? Are You Covered?

We know you are crazed right now preparing for graduation and planning the details of the party. We totally understand. We have kids of our own. But! It is our job to metaphorically tap you on your shoulder and ask, “Have you taken steps to protect yourself?” …

Brides: It’s Not Romantic, But It’s Important

What do brides think about before their weddings? Color schemes, vows, flowers, unicorns, rainbows and puppies. It is all so beautiful!

What do brides NOT think about before their wedding? Hurricanes, deaths of family members and the venue burning down two days before the reception.

Our Take On Distracted Driving – And It is Right to the Point

Let’s just get to it. Let’s not soft pedal this issue. Here are some alarming statistics from Selective Insurance:

  • Each day in the United States, approximately 9 people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that involve a distracted driver.
  • During daylight hours, approximately 481,000 drivers are using cell phones while driving.

Does Your Small Business Need Cyber Insurance? YES!! Seriously!

Business owners do what they need to do to protect their businesses. Most businesses invest in physical security and general liability insurance, but cyber security is usually limited to a firewall and some antivirus software. It’s not enough!!

Your Airbnb Will Leave You Unprotected

Your Airbnb Will Leave You Unprotected We get it. Renting your home out to earn some extra dollars is tempting. But! Your homeowners policy will not likely cover home sharing. Before you become an Airbnb — or join a similar company — contact us to see if you are covered. Most likely you are not.

Hiring an INSURED Contractor this Spring

Hiring an INSURED Contractor this Spring ‘Tis the season – Here come the contractors! If you really want to enjoy your renovation/addition/repair – and I mean TRULY enjoy it — make sure that your contractor has the right insurance coverages;

Ten Steps to Lower Your Auto Insurance Premiums

Ten Steps to Lower Your Auto Insurance Premiums We know you want to save money on your insurance. Who doesn’t? Here are ten steps you can take to lower your premium. Bundle your insurance. Insurance carriers tend to give great discounts when you bundle your auto insurance with other insurances, such as your homeowner’s insurance, renters insurance,

Proposing on Valentine’s Day? Make Sure You Insure the Ring

Proposing on Valentine’s Day? Make Sure You Insure the Ring Ah, love. Think sweethearts! Romance! Insurance! Jewelry losses are among the most frequent of all homeowner’s content-related insurance claims. Taking these four steps will help you protect your ring: 1. Contact your insurance agency before you pick up your ring.

The Law Has Changed: Smoke Detector Installations

The Law Has Changed: Smoke Detector Installations This is not going to be our most riveting blog. Nothing about cool local events or winter driving tips. But! This is information that every homeowner, renter and landlord should have. So we will give you the important details in the short version and then a link which will give you more information.

7 New Year’s Eve Safety Tips

New Year’s Eve comes with a lot of expectations and pressure to have a wonderful and memorable night. This can involve drinking, big parties, going out and fireworks. Make sure you keep the following tips in mind while making plans for your celebrations. Don’t drink and drive! It has been said many times, but you can never say it enough.

Holiday Safety Tips

Protect your home during the holidays from fires, winter weather, and burglary. What can you do to be more prepared? Don’t post your travel plans online. This may be hard during the holidays, but don’t post information about scheduling, when you are leaving, or when you will be back. This is prime information for burglars.

Frying a Turkey This Thanksgiving? See These Safety Tips!

Deep frying turkeys has been a rising trend through the last decade, leading to a rise in injuries, home fires, deaths, and property damage due to deep-fryer fires. Remember these tips as you prepare to deep fry a turkey for this Thanksgiving! Never place a frozen turkey in the hot oil.

Driving Hazards Brought on by Fall Weather Changes

Changing weather and shorter days can affect your daily commute. Be prepared and stay alert this fall with these tips: Beware wet leaves! Precipitation increases as the weather cools down, bringing more rain and snow. This can lead to less grip for your tires, especially on wet leaves … and those wet leaves can be as slippery as ice.

2019 NYS Labor Law Changes for Small Business Owners

As a business owner in New York State, there have been some recent changes to requirements and Labor Laws with which we must comply. As of October 09, 2019, all employers in NYS are required to adopt a sexual harassment prevention policy.

Tips to Keep Your Football Tailgate Safe

Football season has officially arrived. And with that, tailgating season has begun, too. We know what it takes to host a successful tailgate, but it’s important to keep yourself, your cars and your guests safe, too. Here’s what you need to know before the big tailgate…we mean game.

What Every College Student (and Parent) Should Know About Insurance

College can be an exciting time for young people. It often serves as the first major step on the road to independence. For a parent, it can be both exciting and sad to watch your child leave home. This time also can be fraught with worries. Will they get enough to eat? Will they succeed without help?

7 Tips to Prevent Identity ‘ID’ Theft

In Today’s World, It’s Not A Matter of If, But When You’ll Be Impacted By Identity Theft. Not only do we have coverage for ID Theft, here are 7 tips you can easily do to prevent Identity Theft. Every two seconds there’s a new victim of identity fraud*. We can provide our customers with the protection needed from ID Theft with LifeStages Identity Management Services.

Are You Covered When an Employee Claims Harassment, Discrimination?

You probably never want to imagine a situation in which an employee, a former employee or an employment candidate sues your business for sexual harassment or discrimination (on the basis of, for example, age, sex, race or disability). Unfortunately, though, it does happen.

Ways to Prevent Porch Pirates from Pilfering Your Packages

There’s almost nothing more convenient than online ordering. But when your work hours don’t align with the delivery schedule, it can leave a nice crime of opportunity for package thieves. One study by Insurance estimates that 23 million Americans have had a package swiped from their doorstep before they could retrieve it.

Staying Afloat in a Sea of Social Media Lawsuits

For businesses, small and large alike, having an online and social media presence is not only a competitive advantage, it is absolutely imperative. This competitive edge enables businesses to engage with customers directly and build their brand, however, they also leave businesses vulnerable to potentially expensive legal actions.

Safety Awareness. It’s easy to be safe with these simple tips.

May is Safety Awareness Month Seat Belt Safety For the majority of us behind the wheel, we are buckled in before the car even begins to move. Or, at least that is how it is supposed to be. Seat belts are an essential safety device in your vehicle that can save you from major injuries in a minor accident and could even save your life in the event of a major accident.

Getting the Safest Car for Your Teenager

Whether it is a gift for graduation, birthday surprise, or time for your teen’s first car, getting the safest vehicle is a priority for many without spending a fortune. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) was founded in 1959 with a mission to support safety efforts produced by others but years later became the forefront of highway safety research.

5 Tips for a Safe Summer that You Probably Never Thought Of

Winter is finally over, and the weather is beginning to warm up, which means summer is right around the corner. And we have 5 tips for you to have a fun, safe, and happy summer. Now our idea of safe and happy is to make sure you are protected and worry free. Just a few minutes of review can save your summer from the unfortunate.

6 Spring Cleaning Tips to Prevent Homeowners Insurance Claims . . . And possibly save you money.

Winter is almost over and the warm weather is rapidly approaching. That means it’s time for Spring Cleaning. But, in addition to making the house feel clean and refreshed, there are a few things that you should do that will help prevent some costly homeowners’ insurance claims.

The 5 Most Effective Home Winterization Tips

We are experiencing one of the lowest temperatures on record according to some experts. Mixed in with some unseasonable spring weather in January. But then again it seems to get colder each year, making it imperative that our homes are always properly winterized.

Do I need Renters Insurance?

Do you like your stuff? Then the answer is Yes.

The real question is, “WHY do I need renters insurance, what exactly does that cover, and how much is it?”

If you decide you need renters insurance (and since you are reading this you probably do) then here are 7 questions you need to know to ensure you are getting the best policy for your needs . . .

What Do You Do If You Are in an Auto Accident

STOP immediately but do not obstruct traffic. ASSIST injured. Have someone call police. SECURE names, phone numbers, addresses of other drivers, witnesses, injured persons. SECURE make, model, and license numbers of all vehicles involved. DON’T hastily accept claim settlement at the scene of accident. REMAIN calm, courteous and consistent in your version of accident. NOTIFY your insurance company as soon as possible

Tips to Make Your Home Safer

Being on top of upkeep is a great way to keep your home or business safe. Accidents happen at home more than anywhere else, here are some tips to consider: Clean up your stairways. First, remove any toys, books and folded laundry from your stairways to avoid falling accidents. Next, Make sure your rails are secure. If they wobble (or you don’t have any rails), have them fixed or installed.

Odessa File Athletes of Year announced

EC Cooper is proud to sponsor and supporter of our community. These young adults are our future. From The Odessa File. Sophomore Gillian Clark has earned The Odessa File Athlete of the Year Award at Odessa-Montour High School, while junior Patrick Hazlitt and senior Ian Chedzoy have earned the same honor at Watkins Glen High School. Plaques were presented to the three honorees Monday by Mike Stamp of the sponsoring E.C. Cooper insurance firm at the Watkins Glen State Park Pavilion before the start of the Top Drawer 24 ceremony there. Each honoree is a three-sport athlete.

Welcome to our New Website & News Blog

EC Cooper has a new website! Through our newly revamped website and blog, our wonderful service team will update you on the latest news from the insurance world that could affect you, and we will also be offering regular lifestyle tips. We work to serve the best interests of you, your business, and your family! And as always you may request a free quote!