Archives for Safety Tips

Tips to Keep Your Football Tailgate Safe

Football season has officially arrived. And with that, tailgating season has begun, too. We know what it takes to host a successful tailgate, but it’s important to keep yourself, your cars and your guests safe, too. Here’s what you need to know before the big tailgate…we mean game.

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7 Tips to Prevent Identity ‘ID’ Theft

In Today’s World, It’s Not A Matter of If, But When You’ll Be Impacted By Identity Theft. Not only do we have coverage for ID Theft, here are 7 tips you can easily do to prevent Identity Theft. Every two seconds there’s a new victim of identity fraud*. We can provide our customers with the protection needed from ID Theft with LifeStages Identity Management Services.

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Staying Afloat in a Sea of Social Media Lawsuits

For businesses, small and large alike, having an online and social media presence is not only a competitive advantage, it is absolutely imperative. This competitive edge enables businesses to engage with customers directly and build their brand, however, they also leave businesses vulnerable to potentially expensive legal actions.

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Safety Awareness. It’s easy to be safe with these simple tips.

May is Safety Awareness Month Seat Belt Safety For the majority of us behind the wheel, we are buckled in before the car even begins to move. Or, at least that is how it is supposed to be. Seat belts are an essential safety device in your vehicle that can save you from major injuries in a minor accident and could even save your life in the event of a major accident.

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Getting the Safest Car for Your Teenager

Whether it is a gift for graduation, birthday surprise, or time for your teen’s first car, getting the safest vehicle is a priority for many without spending a fortune. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) was founded in 1959 with a mission to support safety efforts produced by others but years later became the forefront of highway safety research.

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What Do You Do If You Are in an Auto Accident

STOP immediately but do not obstruct traffic. ASSIST injured. Have someone call police. SECURE names, phone numbers, addresses of other drivers, witnesses, injured persons. SECURE make, model, and license numbers of all vehicles involved. DON’T hastily accept claim settlement at the scene of accident. REMAIN calm, courteous and consistent in your version of accident. NOTIFY your insurance company as soon as possible
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