May is Safety Awareness Month
Seat Belt Safety
For the majority of us behind the wheel, we are buckled in before the car even begins to move. Or, at least that is how it is supposed to be. Seat belts are an essential safety device in your vehicle that can save you from major injuries in a minor accident and could even save your life in the event of a major accident.
The Facts:
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), one of the safest choices for drivers and passengers alike is to buckle up.
In 2015 the NHTSA Reported That:
13,941 Lives were saved by proper use of seat belts.
2,804 Lives could have been saved if seat belts had been used properly.
90.1% Of reported drivers use a seat belts.
According to the NHTSA “cops will be stepping up enforcement on motorists not wearing their seat belts.” 1
Safety for Young Passenger’s
Just as important as your own safety is safety for your passengers. For younger passengers, it is imperative that they are placed in proper equipment such as car or booster seats. These safety devices must be installed by the directions on order to properly function in the event of an accident. For all other passengers, encouraging that they buckle up each and every time is vital in the safe keeping of everyone on the road.
Motorcycle Safety
From four-wheels to two, we all share the roads. Although we may rely on the experience of a seasoned rider to make safe and responsible decisions, keeping them safe is the responsibility of us all.
Considering the number of motorcycles on the road make up only a fraction of the total vehicles driving daily, injury and fatality rates are staggeringly high. According to the National Safety Committee (NSC) more than 4,900 riders and passengers died in crashes while more than 17-times more non-fatal injuries were sustained in 2015 alone2.
What do we know?
Motorcycles can be small and hard to see.
With such a compact size motorcycles can often hide behind other vehicles and easily in our blind spots. A great way to reduce the risk of causing an accident is to look more than once. Scanning all directions and identifying potential hazards can also help to recognize what is around you and reduce potential accidents significantly.
Equipment can save your life.
As quantified by the NSC, helmets are about 37% effective in preventing fatalities among operators and 41% effective among passengers3. This one simple addition to your ride, a helmet, could be the difference between making it home. Nearly 2,000 motorcyclists who chose not to wear a helmet in 2015 died from injuries sustained while riding.
Not all bikes are created equally.
From cruisers to sport bikes, each motorcycle is much different than the last. A simple rule of thumb to keep in mind when picking out a new bike is to stick with something in your ability range.
Just a little safe love from your friends at EC Cooper. Please drive safe and be safe.